Monday, May 19, 2008

Marathon Planning

I am in the midst of serious GRE studying and went to the air-conditioned library for yet another practice test today. I found myself fully engaged in reading marathon training books for some of my time though. I think I have decided on Hal Higdon's Novice Plan for my First Marathon Training Plan, with some modifications. If nothing else, I have learned a lot about my body over the past year of triathlon & 1/2 marathon training and I know I'll need to make some personalizations to my plan in order for it to work for me.

The first thing I need to do is account for 2 full weeks of no running in July- early August because we'll be on a long backpacking adventure. We'll have some serious workouts in there but I have found that only running prepares you for running... So that means my marathon training has actually already started once I tack those 2 weeks on to the beginning of the plan. So it's already underway- Portland 10/5 Here I Come!

(In addition to getting in 2 posts today, I got in 2 workouts- Biked in the evening with the BF)

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