Thursday, May 15, 2008

Why now?

The longest run I have ever completed is 13.1 miles. During my first 1/2 marathon. The longest training run that I've finished is 11.5 or so miles, also run last fall. And the number of 10+ mile runs I have behind me probably add up to about....10? So perhaps the jump to the marathon seems premature?

Here's the thing, a very long time ago I bet my sister that I would run a marathon before I turned 30. I can't remember what we bet, and she probably doesn't even remember the bet at all. And it's funny how the things we decide on the spur of the moment (when we're 12 or 13) stick with us. It's been with me since then, always in the back of my mind, but 30 was so far off! I had so much time!

And then I turned 27 last summer, hadn't yet run my first 1/2 and thought "if I am going to do this, I better get on the ball!" So I started running, with a great training plan (thanks google search, saved me again) and finished my first half marathon on December 2. At the time I thought "that was great! when is the next one?!" but I didn't think "time to register for a marathon now!". In fact, I think I thought "30 is so far off! I have so much time!".

Getting into triathlon in the last year has opened my eyes to how much FUN it can be to work out if you mix it up. Running is a lot of things to me, and I feel great when I'm done with a workout, but I don't think I'd say it's fun. I have soaked up other people's Half Ironman reports this spring and thought "hey, maybe I should do one of those before I turn 30 too". So with 26.5 months until I turn 30 here's the challenge for a, at the crux of it, not so athletically inclined girl: a marathon and a HIM by the time I turn 30. 807 days to go. I think I can do it!

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