Thursday, June 19, 2008

5 before the sun

I set the alarm for 6, changed it to 7 when I realized how little sleep I'd get, and then woke up at 6 anyway- took it as a sign and got out there before it was too hot. Me and everyone else! I don't think I've seen that many people biking and running at one time here, oh, maybe ever! It was great actually- and probably it's all the people who like me skipped their afternoon runs because it was too hot, the regular morning people and then the people who were getting in their runs planned for this afternoon too. It is nice to have so many people on the streets that early though.

My legs were a little heavy today- thanks to quite a bit of biking last night, which also included a bike disaster with Boyfriend and I ending up in a fight on the side of the street. He is comfortable with tons of traffic, which is frequent here in LA if you aren't careful to avoid it, I'm not comfortable with it. He took off way faster than me and took me on a route that had me biking past a highway on ramp and off ramp (yes, having to cross them!) which put me into full on I-am-going-to-die-on-this-bike-ride panic. Not good. So instead of bike back to the train station we'd gotten off at, we just bike the whole way home on much mellower streets. Who is glad they are moving away from LA?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would have been in a complete panic too with all that traffic.